[Blind-Rollers] manual wheelchair

Becky Frankeberger b.butterfly at comcast.net
Wed Apr 8 16:16:41 UTC 2020

Why is it so hard for companies to fit us with wheelchairs that fit us? 


Lauron I am going through the wheelchair blues, like you did several months


First of all, I am shocked I got approved for another manual wheelchair. The
first one they brought was for a kid. It was to narrow, the seat was weird,
tiny for a kid. The second one they brought was a dandy, but to high off the
ground and the delivery guy wouldn't fix the problem. Then as I started to
use it as is, I discovered the length of the seat was hitting me wrong. But
he did put on the seatbelt I paid for. I also liked on this chair the length
of the handles for breaks. So, they brought me yet a third. This one has
really cool tires. They look like to me they would go through anything,
possibly even snow. Certainly, gravel or wet surfaces.

But the seat is to narrow, and way to short.


Cushions, they also approved special cushions for my back, that I love, and
seat which I don't like how hard it is.


Forgot to tell you, according to their notes I am five foot six and a
hundred and eight pounds. Boy howdy would I love to be that tall and skinny.
We corrected that one.


The real repair guy is coming today, I hear. 



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