[blindkid] Questions about rulers and perpetual calendars

rholloway at gopbc.org rholloway at gopbc.org
Tue Nov 2 18:19:52 UTC 2010


The half-way estimate makes a lot of sense. What about metric units? (What is typical?) Clearly one could go smaller than cm with metric rulers. How do you measure / estimate down to mm?
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-----Original Message-----
From: "Steve Jacobson" <steve.jacobson at visi.com>
Sender: blindkid-bounces at nfbnet.org
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2010 13:02:25 
To: NFBnet Blind Kid Mailing List,\(for parents of blind children\)<blindkid at nfbnet.org>
Reply-To: "NFBnet Blind Kid Mailing List,
	\(for parents of blind children\)" <blindkid at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Re: [blindkid] Questions about rulers and perpetual calendars


Check out the rulers that the American Printing House for the blind has at 


as one of them does have markings for 1/8-inch measurements.  Most of us learn that 1/16 inch is exactly half way between the 1/8-inch markings and ca 
do pretty well without having a specific 1/16-inch marking.  For example, half way between the 3/8-inch point and the 1/2-inch point is 7/16.  To some 
degree, this is actually easier than trying to count 1/16-inch lines.  I believe that some of the metal tape rulers have either 1/16 markings on the first few 
inches or have a short ruler attached with such markings.  

Could you explain what a perpetual calendar is?

Best regards,

Steve Jacobson

On Tue, 02 Nov 2010 10:37:25 -0400, Wendy Molle wrote:

>    As part of our 4th grade math curriculum, our students need to use rulers that go down to 16ths of an inch AND perpetual calendars.  Does anyone 
know where we can locate Braille versions of these? 
>     We and our TVI have not been able to find anything.  We tried to make a ruler, but with no success.  When we tried to type in the perpetual calendar 
to emboss it, it got all garbled and unusable.  Although I am sure it could be sorted out, it would be very time-consuming.  We are hoping that someone 
knows where we can purchase one.
>Thanks for your help!
>Wendy Molle
>Schoharie Elementary
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