Eric Calhoun
eric at pmpmail.com
Wed May 8 11:03:29 UTC 2013
Happy Mother's Day to all moms on blparent and blindkid!
Original Message:
From: "Eric Calhoun" <eric at pmpmail.com>
To: blparent at nfbnet.org
5/8/2013 6:03:06 AM
Happy Mother's Day to all moms on blparent and blindkid!
Original Message:
From: Bernice Ward <berniceward at eastlink.ca>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
Tue, 07 May 2013 22:46:41 -0230
Mother's always find the time to give
Their love shines through each day,
How we treasure all the memories,
Her love lives on in our hearts to stay.
We celebrate Her Special Day
Showing thanks for all she's done.
She taught us values to love and care,
A Mother's love we will always share.
How does Mother get all things done?
She just works and toils until setting sun,
Sets the example for her children to grow,
Will brighten the days as her love unfolds.
Mother's grow weary and tired from care
She talks to God as her burdens she share,
Praying always for patience to do the right,
Prays for her children, and kisses goodnite.
We say thanks for, Mother's who trusted God
For strength and grace with Him she trod.
God reaches down with His loving hand,
To keep her strong and help her stand.
Through many deep waters our mother has gone
Dark days of sorrow, pain, she endured,
Upon Jesus she leaned in her distress,
Though rivers of sorrow, her heart He blessed.
Mother's still do many things to please
But her heart gets broken, to God she brings,
All the hurt and care that comes her way,
And God's amazing grace, He sends each day.
©2007 Bernice Ward
Father's and Mother's are a team. Mother's gave us life.
She is the one that cared for us. She worked day and night
to bring us where we are today. She taught us about Jesus and ony wanted
the best for her children. There is none like a Mother. Mother's pray long
and hard for her children..Mother's sit and worry and feels she did not do
her best. Sometimes Mother's feel her prayers will never be
answered..Mother's are human they make mistakes, they are not perfect..We
picture our Mother always perfect during our childhood years..As we grow
older and have our own children we realize that Mother was a very strong
person..We learn its not easy being a Mom, especially when children go
their own way it's then we feel we did something wrong.. We ask can i be a
good Mom? Can I fit into Mother's mold? Yes we wear our own shoes playing
the role of a Godly Mother. Godly Mother's teach her children the way of
God. We follow Jesus ways and teach our children the best we can praying
one day they will understand that Father's and Mother's do their best.
We pray our children will live to please God. Proverbs
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is
old, he will not depart from it. Mother's are Special. If your Mother is
still living visit her tell her you love her and thank her for her
love...Make her day most wonderful.. Maybe taking her out to eat, bringing
her gifts etc...It will help her know the family still cares for
times living our own lives we get busy forgetting the most important
loving our family... Mother's happen to be where the family
Mother or Father there would not be a Family.....Let us tell Dad you are
happy he chose your Mother to be his wife...Make him feel important
too..Father's do play a big role in Families...
©2007 Bernice Ward
I thank God that He choose me to be a Mother
to two beautiful boys....
Who are both Christian dads today, and I'm so proud of them
and their family. I too taught my children about Jesus and to love each
God gave us children to teach and train and serve the Lord.
Children grow up and make homes of their own, but a part of a Mother's
Heart goes with them forever!
Angels when you were little, I covered you in blankets,
now you have grown,
"I cover you in prayer"! Mom...
He tends his flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in
his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that
have young. Isaiah 40:11
Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband
also, and he praises her. Proverbs 31; 28
"Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath
commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well
with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee." Deuteronomy
I do want to welcome new friends to my mailing list,
thank you to all that is a part of it..
Thank you for all the kind comments and encouraging
words...thank you for the lovely shares you send my way...Many of you just
make my day...God bless you....
Keeping you all in my Prayers...!!!!
Wishing you all a wonderful week
stay warm in His presence
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