[blindkid] Fwd: [BANA-Announce] Press Release: BANA to Meet in Boston; Welcomes Perkins as New Member
David Andrews
dandrews at visi.com
Thu Apr 30 02:06:55 UTC 2015
>BANA logo
>Press Release
>April 27, 2015
>For Immediate Release
>Contact: Jennifer Dunnam, Chair
>Braille Authority of North America
><mailto:chair at brailleauthority.org>chair at brailleauthority.org
>BANA to Meet in Boston; Welcomes Perkins as New Member
>The Braille Authority of North America (BANA),
>which meets face-to-face semiannually, will hold
>its 2015 spring meeting May 7–9 in Boston, MA.
>This meeting will be hosted by National Braille
>Press (NBP), a BANA member organization.
>Meetings will take place in the Boston Symphony
>Orchestra building at 301 Massachusetts Ave, Boston, MA 02115.
>Items on the Board’s agenda include updates of
>BANA’s numerous ongoing projects and the
>implementation of Unified English Braille (UEB).
>The Board will review formal reports from all of
>BANA's technical committees such as music, math,
>and tactile graphics, and its general committees
>and task forces, such as the UEB Transition Task
>Force and the BANA Publications Committee. BANA
>will take action on recommendations when appropriate.
>BANA officers for 2015 are Chair Jennifer
>Dunnam, representing the National Federation of
>the Blind; Vice Chair Mary Nelle McLennan, from
>the American Printing House for the Blind;
>Secretary Ruth Rozen, representing the Hadley
>School for the Blind; and Treasurer Jackie
>Sheridan, from National Braille Press.
>The Perkins School for the Blind joined BANA as
>a full member in January 2015. Kim Charlson will
>serve as the Perkins representative to the BANA Board.
>As always, interested parties are invited to
>observe the BANA Board meetings. If you are
>interested in observing the BANA meeting, please
>contact BANA Chair Jennifer Dunnam at
>612-767-5658 or by email at
><mailto:chair at brailleauthority.org>chair at brailleauthority.org.
>NOTE: This press release is available in HTML on
>the BANA website at
>The Board of BANA consists of appointed
>representatives from eighteen member
>organizations of braille producers, transcribers, teachers, and consumers.
>The mission of the Braille Authority of North
>America is to assure literacy for tactile
>readers through the standardization of braille and/or tactile graphics.
>The purpose of BANA is to promote and to
>facilitate the uses, teaching, and production of
>braille. Pursuant to this purpose, BANA will
>promulgate rules, make interpretations, and
>render opinions pertaining to braille codes and
>guidelines for the provisions of literary and
>technical materials and related forms and
>formats of embossed materials now in existence
>or to be developed in the future for the use of
>blind persons in North America. When
>appropriate, BANA shall accomplish these
>activities in international collaboration with
>countries using English braille. In exercising
>its function and authority, BANA shall consider
>the effects of its decisions on other existing
>braille codes and guidelines, forms and formats;
>ease of production by various methods; and acceptability to readers.
David Andrews and long white cane Harry.
E-Mail: dandrews at visi.com or david.andrews at nfbnet.org
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