[blindlaw] Yahoo accessibility issue

Yingling, Valerie Vyingling at nfb.org
Tue Jul 30 16:24:32 UTC 2013

The NFB recently learned that a number of Yahoo Mail users have experienced difficulty accessing e-mail features with screen readers.  The NFB is committed to addressing these barriers and would like to provide Yahoo's technical support staff with a detailed list of currently inaccessible features.

If you have experienced difficulty accessing Yahoo Mail with a screen reader, please contact me at vyingling at nfb.org<mailto:vyingling at nfb.org>.

Valerie Yingling
National Federation of the Blind
E-mail: Vyingling at nfb.org<mailto:Vyingling at nfb.org>


[blindlaw] accessibility issue
Mike Gilmore m_b_gilmore at yahoo.com <mailto:blindlaw%40nfbnet.org?Subject=Re%3A%20%5Bblindlaw%5D%20accessibility%20issue&In-Reply-To=%3C1373395438.35008.YahooMailBasic%40web126205.mail.ne1.yahoo.com%3E>
Tue Jul 9 18:43:58 UTC 2013

Hi everyone,

I noticed today that Yahoo has forced everyone to use their new version and is disallowing yahoo classic.  The new version just isn't compatible with JAWS 13 (don't know about 14.)  Is anyone having the sime accessibility issues as I am? I propose we flood yahoo with complaints from the blind and get them to either make the new version compliant with JAWS or allow us to switch back to classic (my personal preference.)


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