[blindlaw] Preparing for Law School

Michal Nowicki mnowicki4 at icloud.com
Mon Dec 8 16:57:55 UTC 2014

Dear List Members:


I hope this e-mail finds you all well.  As some of you already know, I took
the LSAT last June, and I submitted all my law school applications for fall
2015.  Assuming that I get accepted to at least 1 of my reach/target
schools, I would like to be as prepared as possible for the challenge when
classes begin.  That being said, I spoke with two attorneys who recommend
that I read a book on how to study for law school exams so that I get the
highest grades I am capable of earning.  Does anyone have recommendations as
to specific titles that could be helpful and that are available in an
accessible format through Bookshare, LearningAlly, or any other source?


Second, I would like to start familiarizing myself with reading and
analyzing cases.  I know that all first-year students take the same core
classes like Criminal Law, Torts, Civil Procedure, Contracts, etc.,
regardless of where they go to law school.  I further realize that each
professor most likely uses different textbooks, but do all 1Ls generally
study the same cases?  In other words, is predicting the cases I am likely
to encounter as a 1L and familiarizing myself with them ahead of time in
order to make the first year (or even the first quarter/semester) more
manageable a feasible goal?  If so, please send me some suggestions as to
specific case books and where I could acquire them.  Thank you in advance
for your help.


All the Best,



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