[blindLaw] Adobe Reader DC and JAWS

David Andrews dandrews920 at comcast.net
Sun Sep 1 17:57:22 UTC 2019

A six-page document is not a large document. If 
you were having stability problems with six-page 
documents, then there was something else going 
on.  I will not say that JAWS and Adobe is 
perfect, but I use them on a daily basis and have no chronic problems.


At 11:51 AM 8/30/2019, you wrote:
>Hello everyone.
>For those of you using Jaws with Adobe Reader DC, how stable is it?
>I used to use Adobe with JAWS a while back and 
>the main problem I had was that any document 
>bigger than 6 pages or so tended to crash both Adobe and JAWS.
>When I would open documents that big, it would 
>bring up a dialogue with detailed accessibility 
>settings, then it would say document processing and crash.
>However Wednesday I had an interesting 
>experience with NVDA, where I opened a file that 
>was 727 pages long and the screenreader behaved 
>just fine, so I was wondering if they had fixed 
>their interaction with JAWS yet as well.
>Jorge Paez
>paezja at mail.broward.edu
>So you want to be a public defender?
>Don’t do it for the money, there isn’t enough.
>Don’t do it for prestige, you won’t get any.
>Don’t do it for the thrill of victory, victory rarely comes.
>Do it for love. Do it for justice. Do it for self-respect.
>Do it for the satisfaction of knowing you are serving others,
>defending the Constitution, living your ideals.
>The work is hard. The law is against you.
>The facts are against you. The judges are often against you.
>Sometimes even your clients are against you.
>But it is a great job ­ exhilarating, eenergizing, rewarding.
>You get to touch people’s hearts
>and fight for what you believe in every day.”
>     Carol A. Brook
>          Executive Director
>Federal Defender of Northern District of Illinois

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