[blindLaw] Readers or scribes on LSAT

Justin Harford blindstein at gmail.com
Wed Jan 26 18:13:01 UTC 2022

Hello list

The organization that I work for received an inquiry from someone with CP from South America requesting the accommodation of a scribe on the LSAT.

Question: does anybody by chance have information on what the requirements are on who ascribe can be? This individual wants to work with there scribe during pre-test study, would they be able to pick somebody, or would it have to be someone selected by the testing council?


Justin Harford (he/him/his)

program Coordinator (NCDE)

Mobility International USA (MIUSA)

132 E Broadway Suite 343

Eugene OR 97401

541-343-1284 ext 1014 (voice)

jharford at miusa.org (email)

Justin Harford (he/him/his)

program Coordinator (NCDE)

Mobility International USA (MIUSA)

132 E Broadway Suite 343

Eugene OR 97401

541-343-1284 ext 1014 (voice)

jharford at miusa.org (email)

Sent from my iPad

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