[blindLaw] Help Understanding Entrapment

Thomas Dukeman ThomasDukeman at outlook.com
Wed Nov 2 01:14:40 UTC 2022

Good Evening fellow legal beagles!

In the US, many criminals when arrested try to claim Entrapment as a way to avoid charges, but what exactly is it and when, if ever, can it be used to actually avoid a sentence? Id it like in some situations where a criminal coerces a person into commuting a crime they did not want to by setting them up like the whole “yeah you might be innocent. But what will blank think of you when they see this? Don’t want it to get out? Then do minor/major criminal offense X for me and it will disappear,”? By that, I mean pulling something innocent out of context to appear  criminal to force cooperation in an actual crime.

Thanks for your time,

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