[blindLaw] Client Interviews and Search Light

Julie A. Orozco kaybaycar at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 02:33:46 UTC 2023

Hi everyone,

I'm working in our university's civil advocacy clinic this semester,
and I have two questions.

First, this might be a long shot, but has anyone used Search Light
before? It's a program where you can upload a video and then cut out
clips. Our clinic instructor wants us to film our simulations and
client interviews, record them over Zoom, and then upload them to
Search Light. Then we have to choose clips from the video to show the
class. I don't have high hopes for this but wanted to see if it might
be usable with Jaws.

Also, any tips for client interviewing? Have any of you encounted
clients who don't want to work with you because of your blindness? If
so, how have you dealt with it? Perhaps I'm just worrying for no
reason, but our clinic professor is building up interviewing like it's
the most important thing in the world, so I'm getting nervous.

Thanks everyone,


Julie A. Orozco
MM Vocal Performance, 2015; American University Washington College of
Law, JD Candidate 2023

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