[blindLaw] Accessibility of Clio and Housing Law Investigations

Julie A. Orozco kaybaycar at gmail.com
Fri May 3 18:34:55 UTC 2024

Good afternoon everyone,


I am including two separate questions in this email. First, I am starting a
summer position with a legal services organization that uses Clio as their
case management system. How accessible is Clio? What should I expect in
terms of a learning curve? I use Jaws and have never worked with Clio


Second, this position will give me some experience with housing law,
including conducting investigations. I have never done this kind of work
before, though I have some experience providing direct legal services
through my university's law clinic. I am afraid of running into a situation
where clients are sending me pictures, I have to use a lot of visual
evidence to make decisions about cases, etc. I am also just nervous because
this is my first job outside of school, and I know I have a lot to learn. 


Thanks for any experience and advice,




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