[Blindmath] Sustaining Nemeth Proficiency now online

Neal neal at duxsys.com
Fri Aug 28 17:43:23 UTC 2009

Thought this may be of interest to those interested in Nemeth.
- - -- 
On Behalf Of Sandy (Alexandra) Smith
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 10:31 AM
To: aernet at lists.aerbvi.org
Subject: [AERNet] Sustaining Nemeth Proficiency now online

Share the good news...
Sustaining NEMETH Proficiency is now online  
and will run from Sept 15 until Dec 15.
Learn more at:
or visit our website at:
http://www.nercve.org  <http://www.nercve.org/>  

Sustaining Nemeth Proficiency 
Online Independent Study
The Northeast Regional Center for Vision Education is pleased to present the
newly developed Sustaining Nemeth Proficiency online self-study curriculum,
featuring the NERCVE Online Brailler. Multimedia presentations walk you
through the lessons and practice is done by brailling on the computer's
keyboard. All materials are housed online and can be accessed from any
computer with Windows, Macintosh, or Lynx operating systems.

Interested individuals trained in the Literary Braille Code
may enroll. Participants will have 3 months to complete the content.
September 15 to December 15

20 PDPs or 2 CEU are available upon successful completion. 
Cost is $195. Payable to UMass and mailed to:

NERCVE Vision Studies - attn: Sandy Smith
UMass Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125

For more information, contact Sandy Smith (sandy.smith at umb.edu )

Registration form and payment
must be received before the starting date, September 15, 2009
Acessibility information


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