[Blindmath] Wiki

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis bhawkeslewis at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 3 07:36:26 UTC 2009

On 2/2/09 22:05, Robin Williams wrote:
> Do
> people think it would be appropriate to have an article relating to the
> accessibility of maths on Wikipedia which we could link off? It doesn't sit
> completely comfortably with me, but given the almost ridiculous breadth of
> Wikipedia's content, perhaps it would not be inappropriate.

I guess it depends on what sort of content we're talking about and how 
much. There are articles on Wikipedia devoted to the accessibility of 
particular things:






See also Wikipedia's guidance on what content should go into the 


Alternatively, if the content is not very "encyclopedic" and more like a 
collection of tips, then other wikis might be more appropriate. For example:

* http://blind.wikia.com/

* http://math.wikia.com/

Or create your own wiki at, for example:


Of course, this may be overkill - perhaps all that's needed is someone 
to draft up an FAQ and get NFB to stick it somewhere on their website.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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