[Blindmath] Mathematical document accessibility

Jason White jason at jasonjgw.net
Sun Mar 15 09:55:00 UTC 2009

Pranav Lal <pranav.lal at gmail.com> wrote:
> The trouble is at least in nonuniversity settings, that inaccessible
> wordprocessor is the only one that is used. I cannot possibly expect my
> colleagues to use LaTeX.click and drag is so much more comfortable.

If you write in LaTeX, you can give your colleagues documents in PDF, HTML or
even RTF format, all generated from the LaTeX files.

There are also converters in the other direction, although often what word
processors provide is not well structured at all.

My experience in a university environment has been that nobody cares what
software I use to write and typeset my material, as long as it is well
presented when displayed on screen or printed. That is, people care about the
results rather than the choice of tool.

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