[Blindmath] Reading in Winedt

Alastair Irving alastair.irving at sjc.ox.ac.uk
Mon Sep 7 15:30:37 UTC 2009

Michael Whapples wrote:
> On this topic, I never really liked vim, probably a personal choice, 
> many seem to like it. When I have looked at emacs I quite liked it. What 
> I want to ask is whether people feel using emacspeak is really any 
> advantage to using emacs with speakup? 

Emacs is definitely usable with speakup, but I much prefer emacspeak. 
In my opinion emacspeak provides a much more productive method of 
working, especially when programming, etc.  Since emacspeak is 
programmed using emacs lisp it has direct access to any information it 
needs from emacs so it can do much more than just reading text from the 
screen.  For example, you can have the speech output configured very 
differently when editing different types of file.  Emacspeak also has 
keybindings for reading useful pieces of information such as the 
filename, line number, etc.  These could all be read with speakup, (as 
they're displayed on the screen), but it would require navigating to the 
rellevent place, etc, rather than a single key.

Another alternative for use with Emacs is Speechd-el.  I've never used 
it at all so cannot comment on it, but thought I ought to mention its 
existance.  I believe it supports braille directly, which could be 
interesting, although  I've never had any problem with brltty



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