[Blindmath] Two questions for those who use R

faiz rasool faiz7r at gmail.com
Sun May 16 09:18:58 UTC 2010

Hi All:

I am trying to familiarize myself with R's environment. I have two
questions. I would like to know that are there any options of
exporting the contents of rterm to any text processor? preferably
Word? I would like to see the content of rterm on a text processor so
I can develop a better feel for what R is doing. typing
and then hearing > makes you feel that somehow you are  not
interacting with the program. My second question is if we can export
or copy the contents of rterm to a text processor, can we preserve the
formatting of tables we have created in R? when you type table(X,Y)
in R, jaws announces the numbers R prints on the screen. But I do not
receive any information about the number of rows and columns.
Similarly in  my limited experience when you use the arrow keys in
rterm you mostly get to hear the functions you have typed. any
suggestions on how to get more infromation about the tables R creates
and reading contents of rterm in a text processor?

Thanks all,

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