[Blindmath] UEB again (was Braille code urgency)

John J. Boyer john.boyer at abilitiessoft.com
Sun Dec 4 23:49:56 UTC 2011

Since software like liblouis and BrailleBlaster can produce braille in a 
variety of math codes from a given source document, we don't have to be 
tied to whatever BANA or other braillel authorities decide. If a 
particular person wants Nemeth, she can have it. If the next person 
wants BAUK  or Marburg,, she can have that. 

As the one who is developing this software I can say that Nemeth was 
easy to implement. BAUK math and Marburg were lmuch more difficult, and 
the result isn't aquite satisfactory. Nemeth is very good. 


On Sun, Dec 04, 2011 at 08:41:50AM -1000, Susan Jolly wrote:
> Steve, I agree Braille has to modernize and take into account changes in print.  Luckily there has been very little change to the typeset representation of print which is well-reflected in how Nemeth represents math expressions.  So as far as math is concerned, Nemeth is clearly more print-like than UEB.
> Sina, when I first learned of the use of letters as numbers in UEB I researched the historical development of how digits are represented.  It seemed pretty clear that advances in mathematics occurred when numbers were given unique representations.  I no longer have my notes on that research but it seems plausible that there is a relationship between understanding and representation.
> UKAAF, which has just adopted UEB, quotes an average increase of 21% in the length of math expressions over BAUK.  They don't say how they determined this.
> SusanJ
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John J. Boyer; President, Chief Software Developer
Abilitiessoft, Inc.
Madison, Wisconsin USA
Developing software for people with disabilities

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