[Blindmath] Just Testing Subscription: Please Disregard

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sat Jan 22 14:38:07 UTC 2011

Sometimes those messages are seemingly generated.  Just ignore them 
-- they are generated in part because of the long reply strings, with 
all the footers at the bottom -- one of the options links accidently 
gets triggered.  When replying everybody should trim out all the 
unnecessary stuff at the bottom.

The unsubscribe messages do expire and can be ignored.

David Andrews, List Owner

At 01:13 AM 1/22/2011, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>   my sincere apologies for this message, please disregard it.
>   I have been sent multiple emails indicating that I am trying to 
> unsubscribe from this list (an action I have not requested). I 
> simply am testing to ensure I am still a member.
>   Again, my apologies for this email. Please do not feel any need 
> to respond, my seeing this message  will be confirmation enough.
>Many thanks and have a wonderful weekend,
>Christine  M. Szostak
>Doctoral Candidate
>Language Perception Laboratory
>Department of Psychology, Cognitive Area
>The Ohio State University
>Columbus, Ohio
>szostak.1 at osu.edu

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