[Blindmath] Wikki Use with JAWS: A Question

Christine Szostak szostak.1 at osu.edu
Fri Jan 28 10:35:28 UTC 2011

Hi Listers,
  I was wondering if anyone here has had success with creating/contributing to a Wikki (sorry for spelling if incorrect) with  JAWS (preferably V 8, 9, or 10).

  If so, what type of Wikki did you find JAWS worked the best with.

  My advisor and I are considering putting one together that I will  be heavily involved in both the construction of and contribution on for a project we are involved in and my only prior experience was unsuccessful. Unfortunately, I am not certain of the type though I think it was a media version.

  Any information or suggestions would be much appreciated!
many thanks,
Christine M. Szostak
Doctoral Candidate
Language Perception Laboratory
Department of Psychology, Cognitive Area
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
szostak.1 at osu.edu

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