[Blindmath] Audio scopes/light probes and other things may be useful to science people

Pranav Lal pranav.lal at gmail.com
Sun Oct 30 06:09:19 UTC 2011

Hi Amanda,
<snip What 
exactly do you mean by constructing your own chemistry set? I only have one 
residence to burn down. <smile>
PL] Well, I was in a rented residence at the time. I bought test tubes, a
test tube rack and  a chemistry set from a shop. The set had a printed
manual, some chemicals and more test tubes. My civil engineer dad would read
the experiments to me and I would do them. The set had a spirit lamp too and
I had a tripod constructed for it.
When I would go to class, I was able to mix chemicals, not injure myself
etc. Mind you, everyone had lab partners so many times, I left the fun to my
partner. He did the stuff with his hands, I used my brains.


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