[Blindmath] Arithmetic and Geometry tools for kids

Ruchi Patil ruchi_patil at samruddha.net
Wed Feb 1 17:17:25 UTC 2012

Dear All, 


I am a mother of a 8 year old blind child. My son uses Vp Arithmetic from
Henter math for Math at school and Marvel Math from marvelsoft for mental
math polishing at school.


He would be going to grade 3 now and while adapting his school textbook I
realized that Vp Arithmetic may not be sufficient any longer for the
following reasons:

1.       There are word problems, for which he will have to make the problem
and the workspace and then solve it.

2.       Problems now involve addition and subtraction both which again is
not possible.


Eagerly waiting to hear some suggestions from you.


Warm regards, 


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