[Blindmath] Fourier and laplas transforms

Sina Bahram sbahram at nc.rr.com
Tue Jan 24 21:34:33 UTC 2012

If there are any folks on here who have a solid understanding of laplas and Fourier transforms, I'd sure appreciate 5 to 10 minutes
of your time.

I have some questions about the conceptual mappings between resulting domains and the T domain; for example, the obvious case of a
mapping from the T domain to the frequency domain, but my questions are a bit more complex than that simple mapping.

You can email me:
sbahram at nc.rr.com

or skype me:

I'll also be more than happy to call you.

Thanks so much.

Take care,

Website: www.SinaBahram.com
Twitter: @SinaBahram

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