[Blindmath] grayscale braille

Pranav Lal pranav.lal at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 01:36:09 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I do not know colors perceptually. However, One comparatively rare
circumstance where color in a tactile image may be important is if the blind
person is presenting to a group of sighted persons. I have frequently been
to conferences where people display graphs and talk about the blue line
representing such and such variable. I say this is rare for blind people
since I do not know how many blind people keep tactile diagrams with them
when making such presentations.

When we talk about changes in color, are we talking about contrast? If so,
then I have experienced this with the vOICe. The higher the contrast, the
better I can distinguish objects. However, I remember that too high a
contrast distorted the image but I will have to double check this.


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