[Blindmath] From MathML to CML (and Nemeth)

Susan Jolly easjolly at ix.netcom.com
Tue May 22 17:46:30 UTC 2012

Nemeth is based primarily on presentation since that is all that sighted 
persons typically have access to so the use of Presentation MathML is 
actually more appropriate than Content MathML would be.

There are several experienced sighted Nemeth transcribers on this list and 
while not certified I am quite familiar with Nemeth.  Rather than a video if 
you would post typeset print math and the corresponding Nemeth somewhere I'm 
sure at least one of us would be glad to check it for you.

However, it would probably be better to check your translations with 
existing examples. If you scroll down to the last PDF link on this page for 
BANA UEBC Sampler 2 you can download a large number of 
professionally-transcribed examples of print math and the corresponding 
Nemeth braille. While the PDF file is intended for sighted persons and shows 
the braille as simulated braille, the corresponding electronic braille files 
are available on the same page.

Susan J.

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