[Blindmath] Math Teaching Techniques

Arielle Silverman arielle71 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 9 01:42:35 UTC 2012

Hi all,
I was just curious whether any of you have experience teaching
quantitative subjects at the college level (i.e. math, chemistry,
statistics etc.) and if so, could you share a little bit about any
alternative methods you use for teaching sighted students? As a
soon-to-be psychology Ph.D. I am qualified to teach statistics
courses, but I've observed that at least at the introductory level, a
lot of the content is traditionally presented in a very visual way,
i.e. with histograms, emphasis on the graphical properties of
probability distributions, etc. I didn't learn that way myself and so
I'm a little lost as to how I would present this kind of material in a
way that is accessible to sighted students. How have you handled these
kinds of issues?

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