[Blindmath] Format for boxes and whiskers

Lewicki, Maureen mlewicki at bcsd.neric.org
Thu Apr 25 15:14:43 UTC 2013

Good day, the name of the type of number line in this email's subject line may sound bizarre, but perhaps someone knows what is the best way to display this for a braille reader? Thanks

Maureen Murphy Lewicki
Teacher of Visually Impaired
Bethlehem Central School
332 Kenwood AvenueDelmar, NY 12054
(518) 439-7460
Fax (518) 475-0092
"The real problem of blindness is not the loss of eyesight.  The
real problem is the misunderstanding and lack of education that
exists.  If a blind person has the proper training and
opportunity, blindness can be reduced to a mere physical
nuisance."Kenneth Jernigan

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