[Blindmath] An issue with JAWS and Wolfram Alpha -- how can this be resolved?

Petr Pařízek sweetji at seznam.cz
Sat Nov 23 23:32:30 UTC 2013

Hello to everyone.

To introduce myself, I study music composition, I'm also a piano and flute 
player, and I'm very interested in lots of things concerning musical 
acoustics, microtonal and historical tunings, or digitized audio. To access 
my computer, I use JAWS essentially on a daily basis.

Now, why am I writing to this group ... I sometimes use Wolfram Alpha (not 
very often, but occasionally I do). And I've observed a strange thing 
happening. After I type an expression into the input field and the new 
webpage comes up, I can happily click the links to solutions or alternate 
forms when I'm running Internet Explorer. Surprisingly, when I try to do the 
same in another browser like Firefox or perhaps Google Chrome, the solutions 
or alternate forms are interpreted by JAWS as graphics which can't be 
reached by the JAWS cursor, which means I can't simulate a left-mouse-click 
which would copy the expression into the input field. Does this mean that no 
other browser than IE is able to tell JAWS that these are actually links 
which should be possible to activate like any other link?

Thank you in advance for any suggestions.

Petr from Brno, Czech Rep.


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