[Blindmath] Math Conversion Software

Susan Jolly easjolly at ix.netcom.com
Thu Oct 3 20:45:00 UTC 2013

Developing software to convert print math to Nemeth braille math or to back 
translate Nemeth braille math to print is a very, very difficult problem 
that many talented people have spent many, many years attempting to address. 
This problem is, in my opinion, way beyond the capabilities of a single 

The international standard electronic representation of mathematics is 
MathML which is part of the EPUB3 standard.  I highly recommend that anyone 
interested in converting print to braille start by reading the book "EPUB 3 
Best Practices" by Matt Garrish and Marcus Gylling.  Garrish helped develop 
the EPUB 3 standard and used his expert knowledge of the issues involved 
with braille translation to ensure that EPUB 3 provides the information 
necessary to produce accessible documents in braille, large print, speech, 
and other formats.

If you are unfamiliar with MathML, my article titled "Positive Impacts of 
EPUB3: MathML and Braille Mathematics" might be a helpful start.

Computer back translation of braille to print requires parsing.  There  are 
many textbooks and articles on lexical analysis and parsing. I found the 
book "The Definitive ANTLR Reference" by Terence Parr to be a very helpful 
introduction to computer-based translation as well as to the ANTLR parser 
generator but there are many alternatives.

Best wishes,
Susan Jolly

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