[Blindmath] Question on StackExchange

Andrew Stacey andrew.stacey at math.ntnu.no
Sat Jun 7 14:51:50 UTC 2014

Well, not stackexchange itself, but one of its subsiduaries.  I don't know how
accessible the site is so I'll copy the question below.  Also, in case the
site is not sufficiently accessible, if anyone wants to post something but
doesn't want to do it directly, I'd be happy to cut-and-paste an answer.
Equally, if anyone wants to contribute but doesn't want to sign up, I'll
happily copy something over.

The subsite in question is a relatively new one for mathematics educators.
The question is at:


The question title is: How do blind people learn mathematics?

And the question text is:

"I am interested in how blind people learn mathematics at any level, but
particularly before college. Math is often taught using a lot of
visualization; how does this work with blind people?"

I suspect that the question itself is too broad to give a short answer, so
maybe the best answer would be to point to some existing account that someone
has written as to how they learnt mathematics.

Andrew Stacey

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