[Blindmath] Problems Installing InftyReader and ChattyInfty

Zach Mason zmason.northwindsfarm at gmail.com
Sun Jun 15 00:55:38 UTC 2014



Where can I get help with InftyReader and ChattyInfty? My computer seems to
be having issues unzipping the set-up files for SpeechSDK51 and ChattyInfty,
and doesn't want to open InftyReader dispite seemingly downloaded without a
hitch. Also it doesn't want to open the second JAWS script for ChattyInfty. 


Any suggestions, please feel free to write me off list.







Zachary Mason

Assistant Shepherd and Young Stock Manager

Northwinds Farm

(603) 922-8377 Work

(603) 991-6747 Cell

 <mailto:zmason at northwindsfarm@gmail.com> zmason at northwindsfarm@gmail.com 


806 U.S. Route 3

North Stratford, NH 03590




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