[Blindmath] help

Sandra Dietle sandradietle at LaDelta.edu
Tue Mar 11 14:00:32 UTC 2014

This is my first time to post to this list-serv as I only recently knew it existed.  I am new to the field of disabilities having been in this position a little over a year.  Here is my problem:

I have a blind student taking Math 099.  He comes to my office and I read the test to him.  Today the instructor brought me a test and it's on graphs, and axes, and slopes of lines, x & y intercepts, etc...  I have no idea how to read this test to this student!!   Is this even a reasonable test for this student?  Any ideas on how I can help him?

I announced in class for a student worker to help him but nobody volunteered.

We have in our library tutors who help him with assignments but they don't have the time to read a test to him as they are helping other students.

We have JAWS, Openbooks, and a Pearl reading solution on a computer in our library.  I was wondering if this is capable of reading tests to him?

Thanks for any assistance.


Attention Students-
For up-to-date enrollment and financial aid information, please monitor your LoLA account<https://my.lctcs.edu/cp/home/displaylogin> regularly.

Sandy Dietle, LPC
Director of Counseling and Disability Services
7500 Millhaven Road
Monroe, Louisiana  71203
Fax 318-345-9087
Staying Connected . . . . in 2013

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