[Blindmath] anyone know the VPAT system well?

Godfrey, Jonathan A.J.Godfrey at massey.ac.nz
Fri Sep 26 20:06:36 UTC 2014

Hi all,

In our Journal of Statistical Software paper, Theodor Loots and I reviewed four software options but only briefly mentioned the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template or VPAT documents that many software developers have made available.

I've just read the VPAT for Minitab Express which I find appallingly inaccurate. A procurement exercise might let this software be purchased and implemented in universities because the VPAT basically says the software is OK, but has a few shortcomings. Personally, I don't' find complete uselessness for the blind a minor shortcoming.

I'm interested in writing a piece about the ineffectiveness of the VPAT system with respect to statistical software but I need someone to help with the VPAT side of things. Is anyone already familiar with the full VPAT system and its history etc.

Some leads might be good too if you prefer.


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