[Blindmath] looking for two tecxtbooks in braille format

Neal neal at duxsys.com
Tue Feb 17 18:16:24 UTC 2015

Hello Listers,

I have offered to post the following request:

If you have any ideas or productive suggestions,
Please feel free to respond directly to me 
neal at duxsys.com 

They have already been shaking virtually all the bushes trying to find these books,
And help is appreciated!

“. . .  A rather gifted student who happens to prefer Braille will attend JCC in Fall 2015. 
We are trying to be extremely proactive in terms of gathering accessible material, relevant resources, and funding.  
This student will be taking Linear Algebra, Calc III, and possibly physics. 

The two math textbooks we are trying to find in a Braille format are as follows:

Elementary Linear Algebra,
Sixth Edition
Ron Larson
David C. Falvo
ISBN-13: 978-0-618-78376-2
ISBN-10: 0-618-78376-8 
Library of Congress Control Number: 2007940572

>From Chp1:  1.1 and 1.2
>From Chp2:  2.1-2.3
>From Chp3:  3.1-3.5 (all)
>From Chp4:  4.1-4.7
>From Chp5:  5.1-5.5 (all)
>From Chp6:  6.1-6.4
>From Chp7:  7.1-7.3

Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions
Sixth Edition
Ron Larson and Bruce Edwards
ISBN-13: 978-1-285-77477-0
ISBN-10: 1-285-77477-9
Library of Congress Control Number: 2013949101
In Calc III, we will cover the following sections of the book…
Chp 11:  11.1-11.7 (all)			
Chp 12:  12.1-12.5 (all)			
Chp 13:  13.1-13.10 (all)			
Chp 14:  14.1-14.3, 14.6-14.7		
Chp 15:  15.1-15.2, 15.4, 15.6, 15.8		

End of forwarded message.

Cheers, Neal
Email: Neal at duxsys.com


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