[Blindmath] Epub3 with MathML - Will it Work for Me?

Mireia Ribera (gmail) mireia.ribera at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 16:10:39 UTC 2015

Dear Sarah,

EPUB3 is a really accessible format, if it follows best practices and it 
is correctly coded (see the free chapter of Matt Garrish EPUB3 best 
practices, http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920025283.do) , as it is 
the successor of DAISY format.

You can get a text + audio book which is the most accessible version, 
and better with highlighting. This will work for low vision as well as 
for blind people.

You can look for a compliant reader at EPUBTest [http://epubtest.org/]

Relating to Math, ideally the epub itself should include MathJax 
javascript in order to be able to show and read MathML. There are some 
old issues in this subject on this same list.

I have not directly tested this last point.

Hope this helps,

Mireia Ribera
Group Adaptabit
Universitat de Barcelona


[Blindmath] Epub3 with MathML - Will it Work for Me?
Sarah Jevnikar sarah.jevnikar at mail.utoronto.ca
Thu Mar 5 05:51:38 UTC 2015

Hi all,
I've been in contact with a textbook author (thank you Internet) about
getting a usable version of his text which contains math. He told me that
the publisher can give me a copy in "EPUB3 format with MathML". I'm not at
all familiar with MathML and have some questions I hope you can help me

1. Is this a usable format in your experience? I've heard mention of it on
the list many times, but I didn't pay enough attention to really get it.
2. Are there any clarifying questions I should be asking to better guarantee
3. What software would I need to read this book?
4. What kind of output would I be dealing with (audio through JAWS/NVDA,
Braille, etc.)?

Thank you so much for your help and your patience with my ignorance.


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