[Blindmath] Robotics & Construction related questions

Bhavya shah bhavya.shah125 at gmail.com
Fri May 8 06:19:17 UTC 2015

Dear all,
I participated in a robotics related workshop cum competition which
consisted of two phases:
* logical and reasoning test
* practical robot construction
I participated wholely in the first phase and based on my performance,
I was shortlisted for the Regional Robotics Olympiard.
In this stage, competition will be more difficult and specialized, and
I wish to try participating in robot constructions related phases as
* Has anyone ever participated in a competition where a robot is
required to be constructed?
* Is any visually impaired person excelling in this field?
* Do you think I will be able to be an equal competitor in manual
constructions keeping in mind accuracy, efficiency, cooperation with
sighted teammates and most importantly time constraints?
I would appreciate any assistance or information on the same.
Warm Regards
Bhavya Shah
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Reach me through the following means:
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E-mail id: bhavya.shah125 at gmail.com
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