[BlindMath] Accessible Math Textbooks

Janet Bean beanj at tsbvi.edu
Sun Aug 26 19:19:23 UTC 2018

Hello all,
This is my first time writing to this group; for the last 6 months or so, I
have been only an interested reader.
In my experience (TVI teaching math to middle schoolers through high school
age students at 2 different state schools for the blind, tutoring college
math for a student who used braille, developing math curriculum for
students who are blind/visually impaired, and working with TVIs to aid them
as they work with their students to access math), the quality of accessible
math, texts or online programs, is inconsistent. I applaud you Tucker, for
being proactive! I know we would all like there to be technology to allow
full accessibility, and I know we are getting closer, but for now I think a
human is still exceedingly helpful. I don't know if there are any TVIs or
braille transcriptionists in your area, but if you can find one to review
your choices, I think it would be highly beneficial to you and your
department and your students.
Take care, Janet

Janet C. Bean
Curriculum Teacher
(512) 206-9343 <%28512%29%20206-9203>

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