[BlindMath] [Blind Math] Slightly OT: Accessible circuit/logic diagramming tools?

kperry at blinksoft.com kperry at blinksoft.com
Tue Aug 28 10:33:48 UTC 2018

What class requires this.  I am assuming your going in for software Engineering if you have a class like this.  Have you talked to the professor that will be teaching the class to see what tools they use?   When I went through this in the 90's I made my own layout in a text file for input and output but over the years I have embossed  diagrams but that is for output.  I would be interested in the tools your professor is using and what exactly they are wanting you to do.  I am not just asking for a curiosity.  I am asking because I have the Graphiti that may make these tools accessible with time.  


-----Original Message-----
From: BlindMath <blindmath-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Bill Dengler via BlindMath
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2018 6:14 PM
To: Blind Math list for those interested in mathematics <blindmath at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Bill Dengler <codeofdusk at gmail.com>
Subject: [BlindMath] Slightly OT: Accessible circuit/logic diagramming tools?

I’m about a week away from starting university (studying computer science). Part of my coursework involves the creation and manipulation of logic/circuit diagrams.
In the past, I have given verbal descriptions of logic gaits and the connections between them (inputs/outputs), but this system quickly becomes unwieldy for even tens of gaits.
How have others dealt with this? Are there accessible circuit/logic diagramming tools that allow the user to create a component made up of logic gaits, connect the components, then “zoom out” for a higher-level overview? Or is there another method that works better for this sort of thing?

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