[BlindMath] Time left on your work

Ken Perry kperry at blinksoft.com
Thu Feb 22 06:00:58 UTC 2018

Well that was interesting.  It was actually supposed to be just to  Vince but somehow it got copied to the whole list.  I did check my copy so that was very interesting.  With that said no it’s not a secret.  I have posted it to this list before and it can be seen at http://www.aph.org/graphiti  When we send out the field test announcement anyone can put in for a test unit.  Of course we have limited units so we are trying to get it into the hands of folks that can both use it and help us with finishing up the development.  I would have liked to send this announcement from my kperry at aph.org <mailto:kperry at aph.org>  and make it much more clear but no harm no fowl.


We will also have a session at CSUN this year which you can read at:


Thanks goes to Tyler for letting me know that I bungled badly so I can I guess let everyone know that we will be looking for field testers soon.  We already have it out to experts in the field but I guess this is one more announcement that folks should keep an eye out for our request for field testers soon.


I will definitely post the real field tester announcement here with a link when it is up.





From: Littlefield, Tyler [mailto:tyler at tysdomain.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 11:45 PM
To: Blind Math list for those interested in mathematics <blindmath at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Ken Perry <kperry at blinksoft.com>
Subject: Re: [BlindMath] Time left on your work


Here's hoping graffiti isn't a trade secret.
On 2/21/2018 11:39 PM, Ken Perry via BlindMath wrote:

We are getting ready to go into field testing on the Graphiti.  It is a
tactile Graphing display.  I have met you at the ISLAND conference and have
talked to you on other lists in the past.   I am just wondering how much
more time you have on your degree and or will you be working in the math
field after.  With the graphiti statistics is amazing because you can see it
real time like any sighted person and I am even currently the first blind
person to use a Microscope in any meaningful way.  I am just wondering if
you would be interesting in field testing a graphiti if you will be still
working in mathematics from now to the end of the year.  If yes when we put
a call to field testers on Blind math make sure you sign up because I think
this device is going to make Math amazing.  It already interfaces with
MATLAB, Orion TI-84m, and Desmos in a  testing environment and it is showing
that special math like scatter plots is no longer going to be a problem.
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Take Care,
Tyler Littlefield 

Tyler Littlefield Consulting: website development and business solutions. <http://tylerlittlefield.me>  My personal site <http://tysdomain.com>  My Linkedin <https://www.linkedin.com/in/ty-lerlittlefield>  @Sorressean on Twitter <http://twitter.com/sorressean>  

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