[BlindMath] [ctan-ann at ctan.org: New on CTAN: axessibility]

Ross Moore ross.moore at mq.edu.au
Fri Jul 13 22:31:16 UTC 2018

Hi Bill,

On Jul 14, 2018, at 7:10 AM, Bill Dengler <codeofdusk at gmail.com<mailto:codeofdusk at gmail.com>> wrote:

If using /alt is more standards-compliant, maybe we should open an issue with NVDA to have that changed? I suspect there’s a good reason for breaking the standard, as NVDA tries to be pretty standards-compliant.

Yes; I’d certainly like to know the reason that they chose to do it that way.
Only by knowing this, can I determine whether there are other issues that can be addressed,
when building truly accessible PDFs packed with technical content, from LaTeX source.

Some time ago I downloaded the source code for NVDA from the repository, and searched
for mention of PDF support in the code and documentation.
There was some mention of small adaptations to work with Form content in Acrobat Reader,
and other very minor issues, dating back to 2012.
But there were no significant code blocks concerning PDFs; certainly nothing recent.

So I suspect that they may just be using an Adobe-supplied API, which isn’t included in the Git repository.
Hence it may be that the issue really lies at Adobe’s feet. It would be good to know for sure
 — rather than spreading a possibly false rumor based on speculation only.


On 13 Jul 2018, at 20:52, Ross Moore <ross.moore at mq.edu.au<mailto:ross.moore at mq.edu.au>> wrote:

The PDF 1.7 specifications say to use /Alt , but NVDA seems not to follow this recommendation,
taking its feed for screen-reading instead from the /ActualText .

Other PDFs on that web-page   http://web.science.mq.edu.au/~ross/TaggedPDF/
(that is, the full journal sample articles) are built using  /Alt  for mathematical content as LaTeX source.

If you all can confirm that using  /ActualText  works better, then I’ll rebuild those using both also.

I want to build more PDFs this way, and would appreciate any comments on any aspects of the tagging
and accessibility of the content. Such feedback can be as detailed, or loose, as you like.

It can be critical of any piece, however small or seemingly insignificant.
Screen shots, or any other form of data capture (e.g., audio files, movies, Braille dump or whatever)
would be most welcome, to locate precisely just what it is that you find not satisfactory.

Thanks for the reply.
Have you checked those PDFs?



Dr Ross Moore

Mathematics Dept | 12 Wally’s Walk, 734
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