[BlindMath] Your experience of learning LaTeX

prayner at unimelb.edu.au prayner at unimelb.edu.au
Sat Dec 5 03:03:24 UTC 2020

nspohn0--- via BlindMath writes:
>I am curious to hear from others in the group what text editors for LaTeX do and why people use them. I just type my math work in LaTeX in a Word document and I read my Math with MathType and Jaws. 
In that case you're really using Word as a text editor for the same
very good reason as those of us who use another editor, e.g. emacs,
familiarity. Like Jason I use auctex mode in emacs. It has features that can make some workflow
faster. For example I often need to type CO$_2$. In my environment I
would type CO_2 followed by two tab characters. The editor also
complains if I type too many } (right brace) and will tell me which
left brace I'm matching. It also has lots of shorthands for changing
fonts and knows whether I'm in math or text mode etc. ctrl-c ctrl-c
gets the document compiled and my cursor at the position of the first
error. None of this would get me to learn a new editor but it does
have me squeezing all the features out of the one I use. 

>From: Jonathan Fine <jfine2358 at gmail.com> 
>Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 10:56 AM
>To: Blind Math list for those interested in mathematics <blindmath at nfbnet.org>
>Cc: nspohn0 at gmail.com
>Subject: Re: [BlindMath] Your experience of learning LaTeX
>Hi Nic
>Thank you for your prompt response. I had to look up TVI (teacher of students with visual impairments). So I already learnt something.
>Well done for teaching yourself more LaTeX. I'd find it really helpful if you (and others if they wish) sent to me some URLs for resources you actually used and found helpful.
>From that I can get some sense of existing practice, and how it might be improved.
>Please send such URLs to me privately or to the list, as you see fit. And good luck for Calculus I, a course I've taught several times.
>best wishes
>BlindMath mailing list
>BlindMath at nfbnet.org
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Peter Rayner
Academic Lead - Climate & Energy College <http://www.climatecollege.unimelb.edu.au>
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School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, 3010, Vic, Australia
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