[BlindMath] Learning High School Math

Shail M momdadofarushi at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 13 20:52:59 UTC 2021

Hi All,

I have a basic question regarding understanding and solving problems in High School Math.

My daughter is vision impaired and currently studying in High School and will be learning Algebra 2 in coming year. She knows Braille but is learning Nemeth. Also, learning LaTeX. Apart from this, she knows and uses Equation Editor to some extent in Microsoft Word and has Braille display "Mantis Q40". She uses JAWS and also learning NVDA currently.

While we are waiting for the session by Mr. Hussain, yet it will be happening in August which will late for us as school will open by August end. We are trying to figure out few things ahead of time. There are various aspects of learning Math and looking for feedback so that we can improve on the process.
Below are the list of various actions that need to be performed:

  *   Reading Math problems
  *   Solving Math Problems (Show your work)
  *   Reading concepts and problems/solutions over the web.

The biggest problem is that there is no single software capable enough of handling Math content single handedly.

For each of the action above, the approach we are taking:

  *   Reading Math Problems:
     *   The teacher gives assignment to all the students. Normally, it's given in Onenote but we can request the teacher to provide the Math content in Word using the Equation Editor. This way, JAWS can read the problem to her correctly. NVDA fails to read the content correctly written using Equation Editor. Math Player also doesn't read it correctly either. So, JAWS is winner here. Another solution is to use Immersive reader feature of Word.
  *   Solving Math Problems:
     *   Solve the problems in Word using the Equation Editor. Another solution is to use LaTeX in editor like Texmaker or TexWorks and generate a PDF with the question and corresponding solution. Both gets complex with lengthy equations.
  *   Reading concepts and problems/solutions over the web:
     *   Now, from the learning perspective, it is sometimes needed to search for the Math concept online and listen to the solution/approach. Most of the sites are inaccessible as they contains the Math content as image. Few of them uses MathJax/MathML and therefore, can be read. Now, here, JAWS fails to read correctly (in fact, it was consuming full CPU and very high memory as well) the Math content. NVDA over Firefox seems to be the best bet which was able to read the problem/solution correctly.

The problem is that one need to be an expert in both JAWS and NVDA which is really tough as each comes with different set of commands. Also, Math Player requires 32 bit of Microsoft Word but then it also requires Math Type software to create Math content which adds additional dependency on external software.

She has a TVI and other support in the class but looking forward to help her solve Math problems independently.

Any ideas on simplifying the approach. Can you please share the approach taken which worked for you?

Thanks for helping solving the mystery of learning Math.


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