[BlindMath] Learning High School Math

Susan Jolly easjolly at ix.netcom.com
Wed Jul 21 23:19:32 UTC 2021

Hi Shail,

Thank you for reading my article and your nice words about it.

You mentioned an algebra book on OpenStax that seems like it would be
difficult to convert to braille.  I agree.  It may be that the UTMOST
project I mentioned previously is planning to provide some algebra books in
braille.  You might want to contact them if the next two suggestions aren't

Here are two sources for braille books including algebra books which are
available free to eligible persons.  A TVI should know what is required to
request a book from either source.

The APH Louis database attempts to keep a record of every available book
transcribed to braille for educational purposes.

BookShare has a huge number of books in various accessible formats including
algebra books in braille.

You also mentioned the difficulty of working with a complex formula in
either LaTeX or Nemeth.  There's actually been a lot of research in the area
of how to explore complex formulas non-visually.  To take your example one
possibility would reveal the outermost view as an expresson raised to a
fractional power. The first  inner view is that the expression is a simple
fraction.  Next one could explore the numerator and denominator and then
their individual factors.

It is my understanding that both MathJax and NVDA provide for such
exploration via tabbing.  I don't know the details of how to do this but
perhaps someone else on the list can help.

As for manipulating the formula in braille it might be helpful to have an
embossed braille copy.  Some people prefer to do braille math on a Perkins
so as to read several lines at once.  The Canute 360 braille e-reader which
has nine 40-cell lines  is just back in production so that will be another
option hopefully available soon.


Best wishes,
Susan J.

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