[BlindMath] Please, more talk between blind math users and LaTeX developers

Alberto Buffolino a.buffolino at gmail.com
Sat Mar 13 19:27:46 UTC 2021

Brandon Keith Biggs via BlindMath, il 13/03/2021 17.56, ha scritto:
Who are the LaTeX developers working on making tagged documents?
Hi all,
I'm new on this list, subscribed a couple of days ago. I read some 
recent discussions from the web archive, but/so excuse me if I'll tell 
things already known 🙂
About tagging of PDF and accessibility of included math, I recently 
examined this solution:
that then is the axessibility package installable from MiKTeX too.
I ran some tests, and verified that, at the moment, is a very expensive 
solution in terms of work to adapt documents for a better result (manual 
tagging with multiple commands, dollar signs replacement with 
brackets... see *T.tex files in repository for some examples). Some 
regexps could help a lot, I think, but there is nothing at the moment.
Interestingly, I tried lwarp package (discovered here) very quickly, and 
it seems it replaces dollars with brackets automatically, that sounds 
Unfortunately, I agree with who love HTML for these tasks: I play with 
LaTeX2HTML since 2010, when I started my degree course in Computer 
Science (completed in 2019), and thanks to it I got and studied on 
accessible materials quite successfully (but nothing would happened 
without sources provided by my teachers, obviously). Sadly, even today I 
cannot find anything about the procedure linked to its usefulness for 
blind students, so I hope to share it on my blog as soon as possible 
(even if I'm sure it's already known here), revealing also a couple of 
my tweaks.
Closing words... sorry for my English 🙂

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