[BlindMath] Math content shown in Literary braille instead of Nemeth.

Michael Cantino mcantino at nwresd.k12.or.us
Fri Oct 29 17:12:28 UTC 2021

Hi everyone,
I'm just getting acquainted with the Mantis. I saw this discussion about
Nemeth, and I wanted to confirm that the Mantis *can* display Nemeth math
using JAWS and Word's Equation Editor. I just tested it out, and everything
worked as it should.

As Robin mentioned, the braille being sent to the display is entirely
determined by your screen reader. Support for Word's Equation Editor was an
update for JAWS 2021. If you're using an earlier version of JAWS, that is
likely what is preventing the math output from displaying in Nemeth. If
you're not able to update to JAWS 2021 or better, then you'll need to use
something like MathType to author the math in order to access Nemeth
notation in Word.

With the JAWS 2021 update, you should also be able to write in Nemeth and
have it convert to print, but I think you need to enable 6-key entry first.
I haven't figured out how to do this while the Mantis is connected to the
PC, but I'm hoping to figure that out soon. Any suggestions would be

I'm still unsure if the version of Word has an impact on the new Nemeth and
Word Equation Editor feature.

Hope that helps!

Michael Cantino (he/him)
BVIS Technology Professional Development Specialist
Northwest Regional Education Service District

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