[BlindMath] Matlab for blind users

Jonathan Godfrey A.J.Godfrey at massey.ac.nz
Tue Apr 5 20:24:21 UTC 2022


The BlindRUG (Blind R Users Group) was established because there was too much R stuff of interest to only R users for the blind math  list. It has attracted people from a variety of origins, and a only a fraction of its members are on this blind math list too (based on who I see posting).

There are over 50 subscribers from more than 25 countries, and that's just by checking the email domains and using my personal knowledge.

Traffic on that list is low, but it is dedicated to R. I have no intention of contaminating the ideals of that list by inviting discussion of other software, unless it is how to use the other software by way of R.

BlindRUG exists because R is not a commercial venture. There is no help desk or support line for R users to access. It is  a community. Matlab is a commercial venture, and as such, its owners ought to take responsibility for supporting its user community, including how its blind users can make use of it. 

I would suggest that if anyone did want a list for blind people using Matlab, that you incorporate Octave as well. I would join that list as a participant, but I would not offer to run it or take any responsibility for answering questions because I do not the expertise to do so.

I have loved watching people I supported in their R journey become sufficiently confident to answer questions. That took time in terms of years, but not all that much of my time in total.


-----Original Message-----
From: BlindMath <blindmath-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of John G. Heim via BlindMath
Sent: Wednesday, 6 April 2022 3:04 am
To: Blind Math list for those interested in mathematics <blindmath at nfbnet.org>
Cc: John G. Heim <jheim at math.wisc.edu>
Subject: Re: [BlindMath] Matlab for blind users

My guess is that there would not be so much Matlab and R discussion that it would be too much for this list. When ever you are on a list like this, some of the topics are not going to be of interest to you. And I'd prefer not to have to subscribe to another list. Furthermore, I think you are going to have trouble publicizing a new list just for blind people using Matlab, R, etc. There just won't be very many people on the list.

On 4/4/22 19:30, Lucas Nadolskis via BlindMath wrote:
> Hello All.
> What do people think  about a group focused on MatLab and other stats softwares for blind people?
> I am struggling quite a lot with MatLab, but I also use it for the 
> last 6 years, so I think it would be interesting to have a space to 
> exchange information about softwares like matlab, r, etc...
> I am just thinking about a separate list because maybe not everybody here is interested on hearing about these questions.
> Thank you very much.
> Kind Regards.
> Lucas Nadolskis.
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John G. Heim, 608-263-4189, jheim at math.wisc.edu

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