[BlindMath] Eq To LaTeX, a new math translation program using MathPix

Amanda Lacy aklacy at tamu.edu
Wed Jul 5 23:25:08 UTC 2023

I'm writing to this list because I could use your help improving a new math access tool.

I recently tried to use MathPix to read some math homework, and was completely unsuccessful. The Mac version had unlabeled buttons, and the web version also had accessibility problems. When I contacted MathPix they responded, but I don't think they ever fixed anything. I was unable to use this software at all as a blind student.

So, I convinced a team of senior software engineering undergrads to take on math translation as their capstone project. The resulting Python software, Eq To LaTeX (https://github.com/TOneal419/Eq_to_LaTeX),  uses MathPix to translate PDF files into LaTeX, and attempts to simplify the LaTeX equations to make them easier to read. Importantly, the software is fully accessible and easy to use on Windows machines (I tested it).

I notice that if I were to uncomment just one line of code, the program would also output the original LaTeX file. This would be extremely useful, since that way we could translate the LaTeX to any other format we wanted. The simplified LaTeX that the students chose is sort of English-like, which is not necessarily what you want if your goal is to translate to Nemeth or some other code. I tried rebuilding the software myself, but it requires a file with an API key for MathPix. I could use experienced help in fixing this small problem so then we could have an accessible roseta stone for math. If you think you can help, please join/clone, and let me know.

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