[BlindMath] Copying Math Expressions in HTML

dana.mohsen.azim at gmail.com dana.mohsen.azim at gmail.com
Sun Nov 5 10:38:38 UTC 2023

Hello everyone,

Sorry for sending this message to multiple mailing lists but I figured I
could get some helpful input from here as well.

As someone who has recently been working with Mathjax recently, I'm facing
an issue when I'm trying to copy a math expression from an HTML or markdown

When trying to select the expression, NVDA announces "space selected," and
wen pasting it into any other document nothing is pasted.

I even tried pressing shift+F10 when on the math expression and copying from
there but the same problem persisted.

Any other text in the html file is copied and pasted normally with the
exception of math expressions.

Is there a way I can fix this?




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