[BlindMath] Mathpix help with a textbook from Bookshare

Robin Williams Robin.Williams at atass-sports.co.uk
Wed May 22 07:47:42 UTC 2024

Hi all,

I am trying to help a friend create as accessible a copy of a textbook as possible, using a PDF from Bookshare. The PDF seems to be a standard untagged file, one can read the text but as usual the maths is no use. I've attempted to use Mathpix from the command line to generate HTML and .docx files. With the HTML, which would always be my preference, much of the mathematics seems to be rendering as graphical elements, and some of the longer lines are appearing as a TeX-like markup - it may just be LaTeX, or it might be Mathpix Markdown? None of the mathematics is rendering as 'math content' that can be interacted with using a screen reader.
This is confusing me somewhat, as I have previously had good experiences converting PDFs of papers, although not books of this length.
Perhaps the HTML has been produced without referring to Mathjax, if it relies on that.

I'm hoping someone who is more familiar with the inner workings of Mathpix and the remediation of mathematical materials in general might be able to help me out.

Many thanks,

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