[BlindRUG] How can I make this result more navigable?
Godfrey, Jonathan
A.J.Godfrey at massey.ac.nz
Mon Sep 7 04:22:28 UTC 2015
The VI() and summary() commands are created similarly but do different jobs. I'll explain how the functions work before explaining what they do.
Both VI() and summary() are special types of functions called methods. A method is actually a family of functions that work on different objects appropriately. Other methods include print() and plot(). In each case, the first argument passed to the method has a class. The airquality dataset is of class data.frame while the regression model is of class lm. When you ask for the summary(airquality) R knows that airquality is a data.frame and uses the summary.data.frame() command to summarise the data. When you ask for the summary of a regression model, summary.lm() is used. I wrote the VI.data.frame() and VI.lm() commands to do various jobs.
The VI.data.frame() command gives pretty much the same output as the summary.data.frame() command but presents it horizontally instead of vertically so that it is easier to hear with a screen reader. The VI.lm() command does a wide range of things that will save some users plenty of effort but as yet does not manage to get everything tabulated in HTML. I do think this will be resolved at some stage. Yes it does create some files that won't be wanted by everyone, but I'd rather create them and save work for some users even at the expense of creating junk files for others. I might try to incorporate a user preference somehow to deal with this.
To get the outcome from any R commands into tabulated form requires use of HTML or another alternative. I know I could use csv files or word documents but the results for the summary of a regression model would not be easier to navigate in either case because the summary has a number of elements that are very tabular and a number that are very definitely not tabular. At present, all the commands I've seen for converting a summary to an easier format do not actually convert everything that is presented by summary.lm().
Finally, I'd add that any suggestions for improving the VI() commands and what gets generated are welcome. In general, I use what I want in any given circumstance to start the development of these functions and they therefore do what I think is desirable. Adding more functionality is my preference rather than take anything away.
From: BlindRUG [mailto:blindrug-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of JooYoung Seo via BlindRUG
Sent: Sunday, 6 September 2015 3:25 a.m.
To: 'Blind R Users Group'
Cc: JooYoung Seo
Subject: [BlindRUG] How can I make this result more navigable?
I hope you all are enjoying sweet weekend.
I am writing to ask you questions.
I tested simple linear regression as follows:
> out = lm(dist ~ speed, data=cars)
> summary(out)
The result data layout is not easy to navigate with screen readers.
I know, I could use VI function instead of summary, but the output from VI is different from what I see in summary. VI creates HTML files and redundant PDF and other image file for this performance. I just want to know the succinct result which I can get from summary, but in a more navigable layout.
For example, VI returns the same result but in different layout in the following:
> data(airquality)
> summary(airquality)
> VI(airquality)
Is there any way to convert this into table output? Or, is it possible to get VI to perform the same task as summary for linear regression?
Any help would be so much appreciated.
Best Regards,
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