[BlindRUG] Is there any substitution for word count add in?

JooYoung Seo jooyoung at psu.edu
Wed Sep 7 14:39:32 UTC 2016



                I found that there is word count add in for R Studio
retrieved from https://github.com/benmarwick/wordcountaddin


                Unfortunately, it appears to be dependent of R Studio.


                Is there any trick to use it in R terminal?

                Or, is there any similar package to get word count
accessible for R Terminal?


                Any help would be so much appreciated.






       JooYoung Seo


  Doctoral Student,

  Learning, Design, and Technology

  Learning and Performance Systems

  The Pennsylvania State University

  Phone: +1 (814) 777-5825

  E-mail: jzs323 at psu.edu


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